
Rest in peace, MoneyProf

MoneyProf passed on to the Lord this afternoon at 4 pm.

From Psalm 62 (read tonight all over the world in Evening Prayer):
"In God alone be at rest, my soul;
for my hope comes from him.
He alone is my rock, my stronghold,
my fortress: I stand firm...
Do not set your heart on riches even when they increase.
For God has said only one thing:
only two do I know:
that to God alone belongs power
and to you, Lord, love;
and that you repay each man
according to his deeds."

Thank you for helping all of us, dear MoneyProf, to become better stewards of what the Lord has given us.

Rest in peace!

From: the creator and student of MoneyProf's blog, moneyprof.blogspot.com