
Today's lesson: Think Ahead

Member writes:

"Oh, too bad that didn't work out. Sally's a great person and a good friend.
I haven't talked to her since I left, so I wasn't sure exactly when she's

Money Prof response:

Yes, really nice. Too bad couldn't work out. Would have liked to see her.

Maybe I need to expand into " think ahead planning training", Sally could be my first student. Just kidding, don't want to take the time. :)

Don't read this email wrong I have no problem with Sally, this is ONLY for your training as 90- 95% of people really believe ( sh*t happens) I want you in the top 5%. BTW: are you starting to see the pattern on " FILL IN THE BLANK"??? It's not my fault, sh*t just happens.

But for your training, what happened is: she emailed me on Thurs. or Fri. that she was moving and maybe we could get together before she left. I emailed back great how about Mon. night. Then never heard from her. So when you called her, she emailed me Mon. PM !!!!! she had to work Mon & Tues night. I'm not saying this whole thing is a big deal, just a very unorganized approach. If the first email narrowed to down better it would have worked. If the first email was several days earlier probably could have found a day to work. If answered my email sooner would have worked. Etc.

My point here is NOT about making plans with friends. :)

What I want you to get out of this is EVERYTIME you find yourself in a situation that didn't go the way you thought it should, or could have went smoother, etc. You say to yourself " what could I do different the next time" to prevent what happened this time. IMPORTANT note: " sh*t happens, BUT only happens less than 2 % of the time. Someone causes it 98%. If I'm wrong on this then 99%.

IF you're new to this BLOG and are wondering what this has to do with finances, TRUST ME on this it does. In time you will be able to see how it correlates.


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