
You provide the motivation 2.

This is a repeat from an earlier post with a few sentences added.

If you are reading your emails and posts at least twice a week for say 10 min each, stop here as I don't want to waste your time.

If your not, please re-read so you don't waste my time:

You provide the motivation.

New Member writes:
"I know I'm a little late with the offer but after talking to you I was hoping I could still get some help with you starting my retirement."

MONEY PROF responds:

Sure glad to help. All I ask is you provide the motivation. I'll be glad to provide the knowledge, experience, and the learning from my mistakes.Lets start with you getting caught up with this group. Read emails thoroughly and email me any questions. You'll need to double up on reading to catch up ASAP.

"You provide the motivation" means you read the posts timely, put some thought into it, not a quick skim over, be opened minded as it will require in some cases major "thinking process" changes etc, etc. And realizing that your success is my pay.

What I'm NOT willing to do is call or email you to ask you why you're behind on reading emails or posts.

You provide the motivation.


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