
Is it done or not?

The email in the middle is from one of our group.

Definitely not posting this here to embarrass anyone. I'm using it as its the PERFECT example of what I'm trying to get through to all of you. ( no, names or email addresses)

Just in case ( and I hope not) any of you agree with the excuse. Ask yourself: is she or is she not behind??? Or more importantly if she really did read them all at once then how much thought & time went into it. ???? Did she get the full benefit??? Or was it a quick skim over. ???? Etc.

Maybe in the skim over she missed this one:
All I ask is you provide the motivation. I'll be glad to provide the knowledge, experience, and the learning from my mistakes.

Stop here for just 1 min. I know you're saying "I GET IT" , but is that because you can see it in someone else, but not yourself????
Ask yourself "would I have found a way to read the emails in the example below instead of making excuses"????? If truly yes, please help me to teach the theory. :)

I need to get this point through to all of you OR what will happen is in the end you'll learn about investing, but a year later, or 5 years later you'll come up with a BS excuse of why you didn't put the money in. OR why you took it out. And you'll think it was a "good" excuse. :(

Why do I think so???? Because almost ALL the people I've done this with in the past either stopped putting money in or took it out. A few ( less than 1 in 10) did follow everything and have really good money saved. I think what went wrong is first of all I put very little time into them, PLUS I used that little time on investing theory. Instead of what really was needed. So the out come was 8% of zero, instead of 5% of zero. :(

Note: The email below starts with an excuse, and ends with " I'm not full of excuses." !!!!!!
STUDENT writes:

"I am just now catching up on all my emails. No, I haven't checked it b/c I
no longer have home computer access now that I'm living in my own apartment.
I only have access at work (which I can't really do any personal work), at
my friend's and at my apartment office on weekends.
My 401K will already be set up
in about a week for savings for retirement.
I understand that 5% of 0= 0! 8% of 0=0! 20% of 0=0!
I hope that you were not referring to me in one of your emails b/c I do
respond, just haven't been able to much these past coupla weeks. I have been
responding in regards to compounding, I have set up my 401K, I am setting up my direct debit for AG Edwards next week.
There is definitely a lot to "get" about investing, but I am getting it.
Though I know I've had terrible examples, I am not ignorant and full of BS
excuses and I just wanted to make that clear."

MONEY PROF contiues:
As we talked about before I'm not helping you if I tell you what you want to hear. You have all your friends, parents, relatives, co workers, etc. for that.

So given that: You're definitely smart or you wouldn't have gotten as far as you did in college. Obviously you're ahead of a lot of people in life. Where I see potential for improvement is you really need work on BS excuses. I really don't think you're being stubborn about it, worse......... I think you really can't see it yet. Let's try again, 95% of people have excuses for why it didn't get done. If you can be in the 5% that really believes " IS IT DONE OR NOT" it will give you a major advantage over them be it financially, on the job, or in life in general.

Now this next one might be too high level for you at this point, but I'll try anyway:
You're NOT receptive enough on the ability to take criticism, as soon as I "push" you what you want is a pat on the head. Again

THE PEOPLE THAT GIVE YOU PATS ON THE HEAD ARE NOT HELPING YOU. ( of course you don't need everyone pushing you at once, but I think I'm right that I'm the only one that is balancing that side???) . Now cut out the BS with "I want to make that clear", when you just finished an excuse, and open your mind to learning how to not think like most other people.

I'm rooting for you, but I guarantee you won't make it as high as your potential until you accept "is it done or not, excuses are BS, you don't find time, you make the time, need much less pats on the head, less defensive," etc., etc.

The bottom line: If I thought you didn't have the ability to do it I wouldn't push you. I'd "write you off" as I usually do with others that don't want to hear it. I think you can do it, IF I can get you to accept a higher level thinking process. Let's do it.


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