
Do you deserve that "pat on your head"???

Can you see yourself here or do you know the difference? Really know the difference???

Learn from others:

Learn to ONLY give yourself "pats on the head" ( sometimes called "atta boys") for what is deserved. This is important towards your getting ahead in your job, finances, and life in general, Etc.

For example: there is a member that is recently on the wrong track financially . Never did the two account "household" account after all these months." Didn't save a penny in months, ran up some credit card debt. No IRA deposits this year. She was behind on reading posts for probably 2 months.

She emailed me about 10 days ago " I'm tired of my financial situation and now I'm ready to get on the program, couldn't see it before but now I'm ready. I even opened the other checking acct."

Today I told her it wasn't going right, she said quote: " yes, but I opened the other checking account" I said yes, but you didn't do anything with it!!!! Didn't calculate bills, didn't figure deposits. Only signed the form to open the account more than 10 DAYS AGO. So she then said, ", but I read posts for over an hour yesterday" I said I'm really not trying to pick on you, but it doesn't matter what you say to me, what matters is what you say to yourself. Ask yourself why did you read posts for over an hour???BECAUSE you didn't read them for 10 minutes a week for 2 months!!!!

What I'd like to try to get through to all of the members is YES, give yourself pats on the head, but do it for the right reasons. For example a good reason for a "pat" would be "I read the posts timely and I also am reading a book on the subject. Now that is an "atta boy".

Or, "I know I might be getting ahead of you, but not only am I doing the household account, reading posts, but also started doing a personal net worth sheet on Excel" to measure my progress. Give yourself an "atta boy". ( DO NOT give yourself the "atta boy" for the net worth sheet UNLESS you also did the household account first)

My favorite would be for a member to say " I gave myself a "pat on the head", AND I'd like you to give me some "atta boys" as I have no credit card debt, have saved 10% of my gross pay in a retirement account for over a year, have 3 months of pay in "rainy day" fund, and I owe thousands less on car loan than car trade in value is. NOW that definitely deserves a "pat on the head". The ironic thing is when you get to this level you'll start to notice you need less and less "pats" from other people.

I can hear a couple of you thinking " yes, but maybe she needs an "atta boy" for a small step to motivate her??? True at under 18 yrs old, maybe 19?? 20 ??? But in mid 20's you should know the difference between a deserved "pat" and doing what you should have done in the first place.

You need to be self motivated, not motivated only by "pats on the head" from someone else.

Now show me AND you that you are serious and get going TODAY on the "household" account.
If any of you are not doing the "household" account yet, please re-read all of the posts.


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