

To all members,

Haven't heard much about your progress except from a couple of you. Does this mean you don't like to brag, or are you avoiding the subject???

Please email me an update on how you are progressing on this project. DO NOT use "touchy feely" terms: The one I hate the most is "I'll do the best I can". Others that don't work: "really going to work on this soon", "my goal is to work harder on this in the future", etc., etc. It's bad enough to lie to me, BUT please don't lie to yourself.

Instead use crystal clear measurable terms: "In this past month I read the book X on the subject". " I read the Blog for at least 10 min. per day 3 days a week for the last 4 weeks in a row". "Increased the deposits to my IRA by X". "Ordered the book X, and will start reading it by Y". "Since Jan. I've read 2 books, read the Blog 3 days a week, I'm using a "household" account." "I started a rainy day fund". Etc.

Or just as good: "thanks so much, because of you I found myself and decided to weave baskets. I hate designer sunglasses now, one pair of shoes is more than enough, sold my car as I quit partying and don't need to drive anywhere. I just purchased a book " how to build a house out of bales of hay". I don't recommend this for most of you as you like "the mall" too much. But if you would like to check into it: http://www.thelaststraw.org/backissues/articles/RG03_bale.html ,

Reread http://moneyprof.blogspot.com/2005/04/and-do-not-want-to-push-to-get-ahead.html to stay focused on the above paragraph. :)

Don't answer this part to me, but do ask yourself " if you aren't already using a household account, (assuming you are a member for more than a month or two) then are you serious about this???

Why isn't this guy telling me what I want to hear???? But ....... I skimmed the blog for 15 min. once three weeks ago so why won't he pat me on the head???

Here IS WHY:

I Balance Your Friends
You need me to balance your friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, Aunts, relatives etc. My guess is 98% of your friends would say this is all BS, their advice "live, laugh, love & don't worry about tomorrow." They will be standing by the mailbox at 68 yrs old waiting for the SS check to buy food. You will be vacationing on the beach and having the SS check direct deposited into your acct. ( of course automatically :)


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